Friday, September 11, 2009

A Letter

Dear Cute-boy-that-I-met-at-that-party-last-week,

You should call me. I know that you didn't even get my phone number, but I'm sure I must have flabbergasted you with my beauty and wit. Isn't that enough to send you searching high and low in pursuit of me? I'm sure we're soul mates and that there are many great adventures awaiting us. But you'll probably have to call me first.

Do you have a horse? Possibly a crown? Orem is just a short horse ride away. A prince on a horse in search of his soul mate might even get to bypass the red lights. And then we could ride off into the sunset together.

My window is at ground level. You could knock on it, and I would be happy to respond to your charming inquiries. And yes, I'm sure that even your knock is charming.

I know we only spent maybe ten minutes talking, but I was still hoping you might show a little more interest. Did my unmatched beauty and intelligence intimidate you? I understand. I would be intimidated too if I were you, but sometimes a little bit of courage is in order.

That was one of those times.

All I'm saying is I'm not getting any younger. But no pressure.

Until then, I'll just be here.



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